Ultrasound Scans
There are many different types of scans that can be used to examine different parts of the body and to diagnose or monitor a wide range of conditions
Ante Natal Scans
There are many different types of scans that can be used to examine different parts of the body and to diagnose or monitor a wide range of conditions
Other Common Conditions
Other common conditions which need Ultrasound Scans such as Thyroid or Breast Lump or Liver Fibrosis etc. can also be done at our clinic. Our scanners are qualified to scan and report on these common problems.
Ultrasound Scan for Pelvic Pathology in Women
- Irregular periods to understand the endometrial thickness.
- Ovarian scans to understand the presence of cyst or endometriomas.
- Endometrial scan to confirm the correct position of the intrauterine coil (missing threads).
- Early pregnancy viability scans should we have unexpected bleeding in the first trimester.
- Ultrasound scan to monitor follicular tracking (fertility treatment).
- Early pregnancy diagnosis.
- Diagnosis of PCOS.